Build your Team Culture

for Companies, HR Leaders & Organizations


Internal Use of our Leadership Tools

We believe culture should start with leaders learning and modeling the best behaviors. These are the steps we advise to drive culture into the business.

  1. Support the CEO in “walking the talk” through a 360 and executive coaching.

  2. Have all executives get a 360 and build a leadership plan. Ideally they would have coaching internally or externally. The CEO reviews each of their leadership plans to make sure they meet the CEO’s highest priorities. The executive coaching also includes one-on-ones, holding people accountable, difficult conversations, and meeting facilitations.

  3. All people managers go through a “360-lite” which is just a self-assessment and a manager-assessment, and they build a leadership plan working with an embedded coach, external coach, or their manager. They receive online training in giving constructive feedback, difficult conversations, managing meetings, and holding people accountable.

  4. Finally, all individual contributors go through the 360-lite process for collaborators and go through in-person or on-line training

Leadership Assessment Tools

Hundreds of companies, including over 100 startups, have used the SLI to get feedback for their CEO and executives. The SLI’s 46 leadership behaviors have been continuously refined based on how leaders gained or lost the confidence of their teams, and the toolset is designed to create immediate behavioral change.

Using the SLI toolset, a leader will:

  • Get feedback to identify their strengths and improvement opportunities.

  • Understand the positive and negative impact they have on other people & teams.

  • Identify specific issues and be in dialogue with their peers to improve collaboration.

  • Establish 3-4 key improvement opportunities and create a detailed plan to up-level their leadership.

  • Have a full toolset to develop and practice leadership skills.

Executive and Manager Coaching

Saturn Leadership offers coaching to managers across the organization.  Spot Coaching is $375/session and leadership programs cost at $5,850 

We have partnered with Neuberg Gore to offer executive coaching firms to CEOs and executives. Programs start at $18,975.

Creating and maintaining a team culture is one of the hardest and most intangible challenges of People Teams. A solid culture can increase productivity by at least 30% and problematic cultures creates headaches, distractions, lower productivity, morale issues, attrition, and high HR and legal overhead. Saturn believes that the key ingredient for culture revolves around setting expectations and holding people to those expectations, which starts with hiring and onboarding, but takes root in 1:1s, and meetings.


Culture Building and HR Toolsets

Our toolset includes:

  • In-house courses to hold people accountable to higher standards (leadership, management, & communication courses)

  • Assessments (for executives and team members)

  • In-house Embedded coaches (we hire and train coaches for your team)

Training for Challenging Conversations

The Saturn C.U.B.E. for Conflict™ training was created to boil down complex models of communication into one practical, easy-to-use model that helps people avoid the most common mistakes in difficult conversations.

Our online training platform is built to be led by in-house facilitators.  We believe that internal training solutions are better than hiring external facilitators:

  • Less expensive

  • Customized to your specific culture and business challenges

  • Integrated with onboarding

  • Online and accessible to distributed work teams

  • Builds team culture